
Friday, October 30, 2009

Other Older Ontario Flocks

Two of the older flocks in Ontario have had a real influence on fleeces here in Ontario. The prefixes are ... Skerryvore ... and Cherrington. These flocks were run by two women who were spinners and worked hard to maintain the quality of Shetland fleeces.

I don't have a lot of pictures that I can find on my computer, but these three will show, at least, the fleece type that can be found on Cherrington and Skerrivore sheep.


Tammy W. said...

Hi Bill - is that Liza or Mary in the middle picture? Sadly - I just lost Liza a few days ago - going on 15 years old.
Love those old Cherringtons and Skerryvores - lovely fleeces.

Bill Stearman said...

Hi Tammy,

That was Liza. She was a gentle soul.

The fleece shot is from when I leased Blizzard ... :-)

Bottom one if Plum, from Nicole, via Shawna, I think. She is going to a starter flock a km away from here ... :-)

Juliann said...

Amazing. I'm pretty floored by these photos.
You know, I guess I just assumed that, with some exceptions, most the 100% Dailley flocks out there were just going overly long and/or coarse. Just based on what I was seeing. An unfair assessment on my part, but heck, I didn't know any better. I assummed all Shetlands looked like that.
Good to know that a lot of the early breeders WERE culling, I bet it was painful when Shetlands were selling for $2,000 each. These early breeders are to be commended for putting true breed type before money when they could have taken the easy way out. I'll bet that was hard.
One of my nicest Shetlands ever was Kirkshire CeCe, who was Skerryvore top and bottom. Maureen Koch has her now.

Tammy W. said...

Well - I thought it must have been either Mary or Liza - those tails!
But Oh - what fleeces!
I thought that might have been Blizzard's fleece. She's starting to go darker - but still has a lovely fleece.
Is the bottom picture of Blizzard's lamb?