
Sunday, March 21, 2010

WillowGarden Burlington

This morning, WillowGarden Amaretto gave birth to my first lamb of the season. It is a single mioget ram with a small krunet marking. He was a good size - 7.3 pounds.
Amaretto is a grand-daughter of Iris, my favourite ewe of all time, and like Iris, it seems that Amaretto will tend to have singles and not twins. The sire is one of my favourite rams, FirthofFifth Aman.
This little guy appears to have a very even fleece from front to back , and I expect that it will have about a 5" length to it, with a tight crimp and lots of lustre.
The theme for naming lambs this year is cities, towns, and villages in Ontario. Should be fun ... :-)


kkaci said...

Bill, he's gorgeous :-). And that's where we were this weekend lol. Good name.

Cynthia said...

Burlington looks so much like his daddy did the day he was born. I have a photo of him that I will send you. Nice start!

Jen and Rich Johnson said...

Bill, great way to start the season. He's a stunner! And great name. Burington, the bridge that terrifies me!


Kara said...

Bill congrats on a beautiful ewe lamb!

Can you tell me what indicators are the best to look for in a brown based lamb to tell if it will be moorit, modified, or musket?

Bill Stearman said...

Thanks Karen.

I got the pics Cynthia and want to post them here. Hope that is OK.

He is pretty awesome Rich! And represents a LOT of selective breeding ... and culling.

Kara ... look for musket, if parent(s) are Ag, by noting any sugar lips (white dusting of fibres) ... look for mioget if one or both parents are modified. I notes Burlington's colour on his ball sac. With ewe lambs, check in the arm pit area.

Kara said...

Opps I meant ram lamb. I have a ewe that I think might be both modified and Ag. Her new ewe lamb has NO sugar lips but has lighter fibers in a few places on her belly. When you part her fleece, no distinct line as there was with my musket from a different ewe last year. She is only 2 days old so I guess time will tell. You can see her at

Cynthia said...

He's your ram photos by all means!

Vicki Foster said...

Beautiful!! 7.3 pounds, none of mine are larger than 5 pounds - wow!