I now post on ... billstearman.com This site remains and mostly documents my life as a farmer. I now identify as a quilt maker. ... ... Here, in my own quiet little space on the web ... I'll share my sheepish thoughts ... and some of my quilts ... with the world ... or at least with anyone who is interested ... :-)
When my son was born, it was a cold, desolate day near the end of Feb. It was one of those days when the cold sets in after a thaw, and there is no snow anywhere. The world is just brown and dull.
Chris’ birth was induced due to complications, and up until he was born and a few quick tests performed, we were unsure if he would make it.
In those days, dads didn’t stay with Moms at the hospital … so, I waited until I got word from the doctors that Christopher William Stearman was indeed absolutely perfect and healthy … and I went home … filled with love for my new son.
When I got outside, the world was covered with a blanket of snow … those big fluffy white flakes of snow that stick to everything. My car was at the back of the parking lot, under a tree and near a light. I sat in my car for a moment and marvelled at the beauty … of the night … and of my son.
Then I turned on my car and the radio came on. The song playing was Joe Cocker … “You Are So Beautiful”. To this day, I still feel the warmth of the tears that I shed listening to that song, in that parking lot.
I tell this story a lot … and it has always embarrassed my son.
Yesterday, I gave him a ‘Joe Cocker’s Greatest Hits’ CD. I told him some night, when the house is quiet, and he is alone … to play that song … and think about nothing more than Will, his son. I told him that once he had done that … he’d understand exactly why I love to tell my story.
Both my son … and my Grandson … truly are sooooo beautiful to me …