
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Ram For 2011

I have all of my extension dominant Shetland ewes in with a Cormo ram for breeding. I was looking for another ram to add to the fleece mix in my line of 'Corlands' when I came across this beautiful Coloured Merino at Ugly Dog's Farm, in Michigan. I have reserved him and hope to bring him home next March. He seems a natural choice as Merino is one of the two breeds used to develop Cormo sheep.

I Like him a lot ... :-)

Life is good!


Ebonwald Cardigans said...

lovely sheep! I've looked at their website a few times looking for a moorit merino starter flock to add to my mixed flock. He is just awesome!

Keeper of the Past said...

He is beautiful. My hands itch to feel his wool.