
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Recent Lambs - Lots More Coming

Above and below is WillowGarden Tanganyka, a moorit yuglet sokket gulmoget ewe lamb, out of Khani Cole. She is not currently for sale.
Below is WillowGarden Principe, a fawn katmoget smirslet ram lamb ... out of Dailley Dee Dee Bridgewater and Wind Water Asparagus. This means that Gus, with just two mioget eye flashes to guess by, was indeed katmoget. This little guy will be for sale pending his development. He is carrying spots big time ... :-)
This is WillowGarden Sao Tome, twin to Principe. She is a moorit yuglet flecket sokket and is for sale.
The two below, WillowGarden Bossa & Cabora are both out of WillowGarden Ethyl Hertz and WillowGarden Harcourt. Harcourt is a white ram that carries katmoget. He is a double F2 (Minder/Drum Jings). He is for sale. Both lambs below are also fo sale ... the white, Bossa, is a ram ... the moorit katmoget, Cabora, is a ewe.
This is WillowGarden Chad. He is a mioget yuglet katmoget ram lamb, out of WillowGarden Grace Kelly and Wind Water Asparagus. He will be for sale pending development.
Below is DWR Astrild, a smirslet sokket ewe ... and her smirslet sokket ewe lamb ... WillowGarden Ghana. Both are for sale and would make a great pair to purchase now (at a reduced rate).
WillowGarden Billie Holiday is likely the first smirslet gulmoget in North America. She is shown below with her daughter, WillowGarden Kivu, a mioget/fawn gulmoget. Neither are for sale at this time.
Here is a fuzzy picture of WillowGarden Carmen McRae's black katmoget (with a minor krunet) ram lamb ... WillowGarden Leone. He is sired by Dailley Ray Charles. At the moment, he is the only black Tisket gulmoget ram that I have, so he is not for sale.
Below is his twin, WillowGarden Siearra, a mioget smirslet flecket gulmoget ewe lamb. She is not for sale ... BUT ... her dam, who is also mioget smirslet sokket flecket is.
Carmen Miranda had twin Katmogets out of WillowGarden Lima. The ram lamb, WillowGarden Fitri is a smirslet and VERY fine and crimpy (an exceptional lamb). The ewe lamb, WillowGarden Fianga, is also pretty nice! Dam, and both lambs are for sale.

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