
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A December First Tradition at Willow Garden

It happens every year on December 1st ... I turn on the Christmas lights for the sheep. Actually, the same extension cord gets used for the water trough heater and I hook it up on December 1st ... but we let the sheep think that it is all just for them ... :-)
It has been so mild thid year that I almost forgot to do it ... but the lambs had heard all about the 'event' from their moms ... and wouldn't let me forget. They've also heard about Christmas Eve and are anxiously awaiting their treats and their story ... hehehe.

My livestock guardian dogs on the other hand ... have heard NOTHING about these coloured lights that are in a place where they weren't at any time during THEIR life on the farm. They are barking madly and doing their best to keep the sheep safe from ... whatever these brighly coloured objects are ... hehehe

Life is good!


Heidi said...

Oh dear, the girls you brought to us must be soooo disappointed! That must be what Cherry was trying so hard to tell me earlier! ;)

Simon said...

What a lovely blog. I thought you were based in England (Dexters, sheep etc) until I read further. I will certainly pop back again to get an update. Good luck, Simon

thecrazysheeplady said...

Our LGD had a melt down the other day when we put our new decorations up - wooden sheep with a cut out silhouette of himself.

Aagaard Farms said...

What an awesome idea: I can decorate the chicken coop! Norah/