Yesterday, Bill got a call ... and the Burlington Handweavers and Spinners Guild want him to come and do a presentation about Shetland sheep and their wool. He was VERY excited about the opportunity to share his passion with this fine group of people. He puts together a slide show with pictures of sheep, histograms, fleece samples and stories for each one. People really enjoy his presentations. ... Anyway, this group is going to PAY Bill ... and that money will go toward saving another baby in Africa through Bill's Mother-to-Child HIV Prevention program!
You can be SURE that I'll be included in that presentation of his ... as an example of the type of Shetland that he DOES NOT LIKE! BUT ... I won't care ... because ... on Sunday someone came for a visit and fell in love with ME ... :-). I can't say who that is just yet, but she might be taking me soon ... and she thinks that I am BEAUTIFUL ... ;-)
Anyway ... I get to tell you about the next country to be crossed off the list in Bill's quest to save 55 babies in Africa.
Burundi ... Life expectancy at birth - 50.81 years ... people living with HIV/AIDS - 250,000 ... deaths due to HIV/AIDS - 25,000 (2003 stats).\
49 more babies to save and we'll then have all of the countries in Africa crossed off ... and we can start again ... :-)