I now post on ...
This site remains and mostly documents my life as a farmer. I now identify as a quilt maker.
... ... Here, in my own quiet little space on the web ... I'll share my sheepish thoughts ... and some of my quilts ... with the world ... or at least with anyone who is interested ... :-)
Well ... Great Plains Tulip wasn't first to lamb! It was Beechtree Hazel, a first timer, bred to Beechtree Calder. Welcome ... WillowGarden David Austin. David will be for sale at weaning. As you have guessed, the theme for names this year is hardy rose varieties.
I forgot to mention that I don't shear my ewes until the end of May/first of June. It is a personal preference that just seems to work here. I do, however, have my shearer come and 'crutch' the girls so that things are cleaned up for lambing, and so that lambs have good access to udders. This will be the fourth year following this practice, and lambing has been so much easier.
Great Plains Tulip should be the first. She is due March 29th, but with the extra leap year day, I figure she is due on the 28th. With all of my ewes, I figure they can go up to two days before that date, or two days after. So I will be watching for something starting tomorrow ... :-))) Even my ewe lambs are bagging up quickly. I think it may get busy during the first week of April. My beloved Iris, the world's most perfect sheep (IMHO) is also due that week. She has only ever singled, but I have requested twin ewe lambs this year. She was bred to Nelson, a 75% UK katmoget out of Great Plains Cherry and Todhill Hornblower (via AI). Beechtree Sorrel is due April 1st, and might just go around that time. Beechtree Miss Marple is due right after Tulip, on March 30. This is Great Plains Sylvia. She is an F1 Greyling (1999) with an AWESOME fleece. She is also bred to Nelson. I didn't see her bred, but for the past two years, she has lambed within 36 hours of her daughter Tulip ... so I'll be watching this loving and gentle ewe as well.
We are in the midst of a MAJOR winter storm here ... as are you all I expect. My wonderful daughter--in-law sent me some new pictures of Will ... and her ... that have brightened my life at a time when it truly needed to be brightened ... :-) Thank you Kerri. I love you ... :-) There will be some significant changes here at Willow Garden over the next little while. Hopefully, I'll know just what these changes will look like within the week and I'll be able to let folks know ... but not until I know ... ;-). In the mean time ... enjoy my Grandson, Will and his so very dear Mom, Kerri. I sure do!!