I NEED TO SELL SHEEP and these prices reflect that fact. I have sold quite a few already and will update my campaign to save babies in Africa later. In the mean time ... my goal is to have WAY fewer sheep when I turn the flock out to pasture in mid May.
Volume discounts will be offered. Transportation, within a four hour drive can be arranged.
Come for a visit. My sheep sell themselves ... :-)

WillowGarden Tracy Chapman, out of SheltrgPines Palmyra & Claystone Solomon Grundy, when bred to WillowGarden Lima, produced this perfect smirslet katmoget ewe lamb. I love this pair! $500 for both.

WillowGarden Ethyl Hertz, a moorit iset ewe out of SheltrgPines Palmyra and WillowGarden Peiter Peter, when bred to Harcourt (described previously), produced ... a stunning white ram lamb and a beautiful fawn katmoget ewe lamb. The trio is priced at $600.

WillowGarden Joan Crawford, a Great Plains Tisket daughter, bred to Dailley Ray Charles (emsket), produced a moorit ewe lamb and a moorit gulmoget ram lamb. A great opportunity to add gulmoget genetics to your flock! ... $600 for the trio.

WillowGarden Joni Mitchell, a dark brown, smaller ewe, is available for sale with a ewe lamb out of Woolly Shadow and WillowGarden Lima (spotted katmoget). This case of switched at birth is a long story ... but ... The lamb has a lovely fleece and is from non-fading lines. ... $500 for the pair.

DWR Astrild, a spotted moorit out of Dailley Erato and Dailley Kismet, produced this cute dark moorit smirslet (near yuglet) sokket ewe lamb, when bred to Gus (the ram described previously - Asparagus). Besides spots, this lamb carries modified colour genetics. This flashy pair ... $500.

WillowGarden Bonnie Best, a moorit ewe lamb out of WillowGarden Little Eva and Whistle Stop Lerwick (F1 Drum Jings) produced this beautifully built dark, moorit katmoget ram, when bred to WillowGarden Harcourt (F2 Minder / F2 Drum Jings). Can't loose with this pair at $500 for both.

WillowGarden Chick Pea, a grey yearling ewe out of WillowGarden Sophia Lauren and Great Plains William, had a ram lamb when bred to WillowGarden Lima. The lamb will likely have a very nice fleece, but is not of breeding quality and will be sold wethered. This pair is $300.

Dailley Dee Dee Bridgewater, bred to Wind Water Asparagus (Gus) produced a musket yuglet flecket ewe lamb and a fawn krunet katmoget ram. A truly striking trio ... $600 ...