
Thursday, April 10, 2008

What Colour Is This Lamb?

This little boy has me in a quandary. I have NO idea what colour he is. His dam is a white ewe, Whistle Stop 0429 (Lizbet). I thought she was Awt/Awt. Lizbet is 75% UK genetics. The sire is WillowGarden Nelson, a grey katmoget (Ab/Aa) that is also 75% UK genetics.
This guy is not a katmoget as there is no pattern on the underbelly. I can't even tell if he is brown or black based as his colour is taupe. Body colour is only on the outer ends of the fleece.
Is it possible that he is Awt/? and that the 'colour' is all pheao?

I like this guy a lot ... but ... what the heck is he?


Kathy said...

Wow, Bill! He IS an impressive colour. It's always a challange with photos - does he have any grey at all in that fluff? On my computer he looks more towards the brown range instead of the moorit range. He doesn't appear to have the yellowish tint to mioget either. This IS a puzzler!

He does look like the creama floating on a cup of good espresso with those darker legs. I would keep him just to see what he morphs into. LOL!

Nancy K. said...

I've never seen a lamb that color. Is it possible that he's an example of 'incomplete expression' of awt? I can't imagine that that much brown on the face and legs could be pheao....