
Saturday, April 12, 2008

F2 Glayva X F2 Hornblower Ram Lambs

These two little guys are both out of F1 Glayva ewes, bred to an F1 Hornblower, F3 Greyling, F3 Timothy ram. Both make my heart sing ... :-)
The gray katmoget is out of WillowGarden Sahara and WillowGarden Nelson.
The moorit katmoget is out of WillowGarden Equatoria and Nelson. Would that be a PINK NOSE!! ... hehehe


Nancy K. said...

Stunningly beautiful lambs, Bill! Congratulations!!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

HOW CUTE are those lambs!!

Congrats Bill!!

BTW how do you get a pink nose white versus a grey/blk nose white? All my whites have grey or black noses :( that pink nose IS cute :)