
Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Stupid Things We Do!

Well ... I was once again reminded of my age today ... *sigh*

Thelonius needed a shot of Nuflor, or so my Vet said. He always seems to prescribe the most expensive antibiotic ... which he then sells to me ... hmmm ... but he is a GREAT guy and a good Vet and I trust him.

Thelonius is a BIG boy at two and a half years old. BUT ... invincible me decided that I could catch him, hold him, and give him the shot, on my own, in the rain. No need for any help ... even though there was help available. Matt was just across the road. Gene was in the house. But NO ... I can do anything ... hehehe.

Well ... I caught him with no trouble, while he ate ... but he bolted, dragging me behind him. I managed to pull him down and give him the shot and was feeling pretty proud of myself.

As I walked away, I had sharp pain in my lower leg at the back, and my duckies were filled with blood and over flowing.
I hollered for Gene, who brought me a towel ... and then some rags to twist tight to try to stop the bleeding. I cleaned up as best I could with the garden hose. And then ... we headed for emergency at the hospital.

Once again, I am watched over and protected. Seems that when I fell over, Thelonius pulled my bare leg into the sharpish edge of his dirty old hog trough. The cut was DEEP ... but I missed arteries, tendons, the bone, and most of the muscle tissue.

So ... it got cleaned up, four stiches inside to repair the minor muscle damage ... and then a dozen more to close the wound.

I have to keep it dry for the next ten days ... and stay off of my feet ... yah right ... hehehe.

I'm feeling a little foolish ... and will learn to ask for help more often ...

... likely ... ;-)


Anonymous said...

Oh my Bill! I hope things heal up for you despite the fact that you will probably be "up and at 'em" tomorrow! ~Lisa

Bill Stearman said...

Actually Lisa ... I was 'up and at 'em' today. I went to work!!!

The kids were as good as they can be ... IE none lunged at my sore leg ... and the EA staff ... were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice, kind, 'let me get that for you' -ish. I am thinking that my leg may take YEARS to heal .. hehehe

shepherdchik said...

I frequently try to do things on my own, though I haven't yet needed stitches from it. I do usually regret it, but once in a while I get away with doing that kind of thing on my own and then I am pretty proud of myself. Hope you heal up quickly. They gave you a tetanus shot too, right?

Bill Stearman said...

A tetanus shot was part of the ordeal. Actually, the next day ... that was the worst part in terms of discomfort.

Michelle said...

It's been a couple weeks with no new posts. Are you okay?