
Monday, May 24, 2010

One Year Ago

One year ago tonight, Gene ended a nasty battle with cancer. I was ... and remain ... so thankful for the peace that he found in death. I miss him and think of him often. I know that our wonderful friendship will always be an important part of my life. I am less sad when I think about him ... but there is still this huge 'hole' in my heart that seems to be filling ... more slowly than I had hoped.

Anyway ... if you knew him ... think about a happy memory of him ... and smile with all your heart when you do. I know that he'll be smiling back ... :-)


Shari said...

Glen and I were just sitting outside earlier and thinking of Gene. It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by. We are thinking of you tonight and tomorrow and remembering Gene. The girls were telling us their memories. Man, we had some good times on those family Friday nights.
Love you!

Vicki Foster said...

I only knew Gene through your blog messages and cannot believe that it has been a year already. He is, at least, in peace.

Take care Bill. {{{hugs}}}