
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Call Me Rory ... :-)

It has been a strange week for me ... the anniversary of the week I let go of Gene ... farewell and best wishes as they move to Yellowknife to Kate, Tim, Jamie, and Anna (who has had 'an Adventure Day' a week with Grandpa for a long time) ... getting ready for my shearing event and Open House ... and Pete preparing to move in. Strange how all of these things ... each wonderful in its own way ... can leave a guy feeling that he needs to know that he is favourite/cute/special/whatever. So ... I found this ... and have told myself that MY name is Rory. Seems to be working. I feel wonderful. Life is good ... says Rory/Bill!


Anonymous said...

Funny how every once in a while we all need a hug or some token expression to let us know we are special and mean something to someone. Always know that you hold a special spot in my heart and cyber hugs come your way every time I read your blog to keep up on the life of Bill.
Ann Moulton

Heidi said...

It's funny, I subscribe to 'The Barn' and this one was published on my birthday. I was really in need of feeling special and a whole lot of people sent me birthday wishes through facebook. :)

You are special, an amazing, generous teacher and friend. We are really looking forward to your shearing day.

Anonymous said...

Bill -

I have never met you, but from the stories I have heard from Nancy K. you are indeed a very special person! I don't find it odd that you are feeling that way. We ALL need to be Rory at times. Even though we KNOW in our minds that there are people who love us, value us, cherish us; we need to have that reaffirmation every once in a while. We are social creatures, and with that come a basic need to know that, yes, this is my flock of people, and we are all incredibly special to one another.

Changes, even wonderful ones, bring about mixed feelings; because as something changes, you think about WHAT is changing, and everything in the past and present related to it, and that will bring about a plethora of emotion, good, sad, anxious, whatever. The future is unknown; but I think for you it will be a good one! You have so many wonderful people that cherish you!

I hope some day to meet you in person.

Katie in WI

Jen and Rich Johnson said...


I don't know if you are the cutest, but you are one of the best! Best regards.
