
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Summer Guests at Willow Garden

Matt and I worked today to start building a shelter for the four Tamworth piglets that are due to arrive here at Willow Garden any day now. These pictures are not the actual pigs that will be coming, but they are from the same farm ... and are likely brothers and sisters, or even parents.

Tamworth pigs are grazers, and will be pastured with Oatey, my donkey (Donkey Oatie ... ;-) ... and the ram lambs once they are weaned. They are slower growing than commercial pigs, and will have darker, more flavourful, and more heavily textured meat. If this works out, I'll get four each Spring, and have them 'gone' before breeding groups are set up.

Of the four ... one will be split between my two children as part of their Christmas present, one will go into our freezer, one is being raised for Matt and his family. The fourth one will be sold for butchering.

My mouth waters at the remembrance of the smoked pork chops from the last pigs that I raised ... with my friend Doug Wetherall ... in his barn ... ;-)

1 comment:

Bill Stearman said...

I'm really looking forward to getting them Juliann. How long have you had yours? What kind did you get?