Grand BabIES Update ... :-)
First of all ... let me share with you the latest pictures of my first grand child ... due to be born in October. This little one will be born to my son and daughter-in-law ... Chris and Kerri. The baby STILL has my belly ... hehehe
Now for the NEW news. My daughter, Kate, and son-in-law Tim, are having my SECOND grand child in December!! And yesterday, Kate called to say that she got to hear the heartbeat when she was at the Doctor's for her three month check up! Makes me get goose bumps ... :-)
These two new gifts, are helping me to refocus on what is, and will be, truly important in my life. Everything else that doesn't bring me this kind of joy ... needs to be let go ... and that will be my focus until the babies are really here ...
I will focus on the joy in my life ... :-)
(Feel free to remind me of this focus, should you think I have forgotten it ... hehehe)
Bill...thanks for this post. I've been in need of a bit of "refocusing" myself and your words just resound with wisdom.
I wonder if we all tend to suffer from "Affluenza" from time to time with the cure being to remember what's really important in life? My goal as well is to get back to what's really important. And I have to get over the "but someday I might need this" aspect of the post-WWII/post-Depression era my parents ingrained into our beings.
I've even started by doing rebellious things like not cleaning my plate. I just have to figure out how to send the rest of the food to the starving kids in China. ;-)
And many congratulations to the two new most important "things" in your life! I know both grandchildren have one thing going for them right from the start - a wonderful Grandpa!
Congratulations (again!) Bill. I agree with Kathy ~ those are going to be very lucky kids to have you for their Grandpa!
On the other hand ~ I must respond to Kathy's comment about "Afluenza"...I can assure you that I do NOT suffer from this condition. I'm assuming that one my be 'affluent' to have it? That definitely rules me out! Anyone want to lend me seventy five thousand dollars....?
No, Nancy...Affluenza is just our society's trend towards bigger and more when we actually require alot less to be happy.
Kind-of like we should be sitting in green pastures with sheep instead of striving for a Escalade just 'cause the neighbors have one. ;)
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