North Wind Holiday AI (AFD 23.5, SD 6.4, CV 27.0) is my current favourite ram. He is in with four ewes that are sold this round. In round two, he will be with 3 ewes that are sold. Then he will have a group of six girls from my 'keeper' flock.
SpringWater Eve a white ewe out of Valley Road Sidney (a Dainty X Lerwick daughter) and WillowGarden Nelson AI (F1 Hornblower, F3 Greyling, F3 Timothy). I am picking up Eve when I deliver a group of sheep to eastern Canada next month.
WillowGarden Macaroon (AFD 23.8, SD 5.2, CV 22.1) is another white ewe out of Great Plains Sara AI (Lightning) and Bramble Nick.
WillowGarden Opal (AFD 25.3, SD 5.3, CV 20.8) is a katmoget ewe out of WillowGarden Linyanti (a Hornblower extension dominant daughter) and V creek Hummer.
WillowGarden Tabasco (AFD 23.8, SD 6.0, CV 22.7) a dark grey spotted katmoget out of Sherdswd Linga AI (Orion) and Underhill Thelonius Monk.
Great Plains Isabell AI (AFD 26.3, SD 6.0, CV 22.7) an Ag grey katmoget, Greyling daughter.
Windwater Rolo, a mioget smirslet gulmoget (out of Tisket lines)